Music Jam

Music Jam is a quick and easy way to jam on your own, on-line or over a LAN with up to three other players. It's also incredible fun and the results can be seriously impressive. For plain and simple jamming, just get pressing those keys. Once you're familiar with the set-up, you can add a host of effects. The Jam mode is also available in single player mode and from this templates can be created, saved and edited.

Selecting Jam Mode from the top menu bar will display the Host/Join Jam Session Menu. Click on Host a Jam Session to display the Host Options menu:

The player can change any of these settings.

Server Name - used when hosting a session
Player Name - as seen by other players
Number Of Players - max number of players in a session
The initial BPM of the session - the amount of beats per minute at the start of the session
Maximum User Template Size - limit the size of the samples used

On entering the Jam Session the player is given the option of choosing a Template. Templates work in the same way as the Riff Library described earlier in this manual. Closing this menu without selecting a template will not load anything. N.B.: User created templates can only be selected on initial entry to a jam session These will only be loaded in if the 'maximum template size' has been adjusted sufficiently by the host player.

The Riff Keys

These are the Function keys F1 to F12. Simply press to play. Press Shift and the key to loop and Shift and the key again to stop looping. Left clicking on the riff key will highlight the key selected light, allowing you to apply Mod Wheel and plug in effects to riffs (see below). Right clicking will display the Riff Library. Left clicking will load the selected Riff and right clicking will let the user Preview the Riff or get Help.

The Instrument Keys

These are the number pad keys 0-9. Just press to play. Left clicking on the instrument key will highlight the key selected light so you can apply effects (see Mod Wheel and Plug ins below). Right clicking will display the Instrument Library. Within Instrument Library, right clicking will preview the Instrument at 44Khz.
Left clicking will display the Sample Library Menu - from here the user can Load/Demo the Instrument or get Help.

The Piano

The Piano Text Box
The keys on the two on-screen pianos are mapped to your PC keyboard, as shown on the keys. Just press the keyboard and you're playing piano! You can play more than one note at once and you can also play both pianos at once - if you're up to it.
Left click on the text box to highlight the piano selected light (see Mod Wheel and Plug ins below).

Right click will display the Instrument Library.
Within Instrument Library, right clicking will preview the Instrument at 44Khz and left click will display the Sample Library Menu - from here the user can Load/Demo the Instrument or get Help.

Selecting Riffs and Instruments

CTRL + Left Click will allow multiple items to be toggled as selected/unselected.
SHIFT + Left Click will allow a range of items to be selected. The range is chosen from the last selected item (left clicked).

The Octave Icon

This adjusts the octave of the current instrument on the piano: left click will jump to a higher octave (Max is 6) and right click will jump to lower octave (Min is 1).

The Mod Wheel

When the mouse is over the mod wheel, text under the mouse will display the current effect and value. Left click and drag will apply the current effect to any keys you have selected (see above) and right click will display the list of available effects for the currently selected items.

The Plug in Window

On entering Jam Mode there will be no plug in loaded. Right clicking on the Text "No Plug in Loaded" will display a list of currently loaded plug ins - there are 16 available slots. Left clicking on a slot to switch to the plug in that slot while right clicking on a slot will display the Plug in Menu. You can choose to Load/Delete/Reset the plug in for that slot.
Clicking on Load a Plug in will display a further menu of the available plug ins.
Selecting a plug in from this menu will load it into the selected slot and make it the current plug in.

The plug in will be applied to the currently selected Music Jam items BUT this is only done when you click in the plug in window. For example, to just have piano1 going through the plug in, select Piano1 and then click in the Plug in Window - piano1 will now be affected by the plug in. The plug in can now be changed on the fly by clicking and holding the left mouse button as you move over the Plug in Window.
Selecting other items and clicking in the Plug in Window will over-ride previous selections.
Right click on the plug in name within the window to change to a different plug in.
The key selection lights will change to show which items the plug in is affecting.

The Player Windows

There is a window each for up to 4 Players. The blocks in these windows are used as a 4-bar delay in the internet jam session, they also appear in the LAN jam game but play immediately, as they do in the single player mode.
The main aim of these windows is to let other players know what each other is doing. For instance, when a player uses the piano, a piano icon will be displayed for everyone to see.
BUT, by left clicking on the window of say Player 2, your local display will reflect what Player 2 sees on their screen.
This allows you to view what riffs they have loaded, how they play their pianos and what plug ins they are using.
Left clicking back on the display will revert back to your display.

Right clicking on the player windows will allow the jam session host to either 'kick off' players or 'ban' them - the latter stops them re-connecting to your session.

The Chat Window

Left clicking on the bottom most text line will allow the user to enter a message that will be sent to all players.

Don't forget: If you want to jam on-line with other players, go to where you can meet up with like-minded musicians.

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Forward - Loading & Saving